So beautiful!! So magical with all of the feather-like patterns...I felt as if I could sit there all day and trace them with my fingers...Natures brush strokes. There is nothing else like a frosted window on a cold day.
And then I woke up enough that the magical spell that I was held in was broken. Do you REALIZE how much heat we're losing through that window for it to frost up that MUCH????? O M G!
I think I preferred the half-awake mindset of "Oooooo...sooo pretty"....because now I'm going to be in the Depot walking aisles of windows...drooling on myself, saying "Oooo...sooo expensive" Bah! :-P
Love the first pic!
It's very feathery and oh so beautiful!
You need to buy some rubber backed drapes for that ginormous, heat suching window or your power bill is going to insane!
I have a set..its sitting under my couch in front of said window LOL. I have to get a rod...and I haven't been able to find one...soooo I'll be ordering one online as soon as I can...I just can't put if off any longer..obviously lol :P
LOL! It's funny how our practical adult side takes over the magical child side.
You are so right, it is so beautiful, but definitely needs replaced. Brrr!!
Mother Nature is a great artist, isn't she? But you are right about getting new windows!
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