The evening before had been spent at my In-laws. We got to see cousins and Aunts and Uncles that we hadn't seen in a year or more..and more importantly we got to re-connect with the cousins that are headed to Afghanistan at this very moment.

Later Christmas day we packed up and headed to my Mom's to have our tree over there. Aysha, being the last hired and the youngest full timer, gets to work nights, weekends and holidays...so we were adjusting our Christmas to her schedule...and it worked out well. She got out of work at 3, was home by 3:30 and we ate dinner, opened the tree and came home. It was two nights out late, but the kids are old enough that it really doesn't affect their behavior like it used to...Yay to no meltdowns!
Solstice was our 13th anniversary, we did nothing, we rarely do, but a couple of nights before that we joined our group of friends for our annual Solstice party, and had TONS of fun :) I got to taste top shelf tequila and have to say I doubt I'll be going back to visit Jose anytime soon...Patron is just too darn smooth.
Our New Years was spent at the home of very good friends..and involved beer that was too good for our own good and a cribbage board. My husband pretended he didn't know how to play and proceeded to kick our butts. My New Years resolution? Never play cards with a man wearing a kilt.

So from our house to yours, we hope you had a great holiday season and the new year brings good things to you and your family.
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