All of the babies are out and running, Yuri, Yoko and Yoshi have formed a gang of 3 that pronks all over the place. Poor Darlin' and Ruthie...they can't keep track of them and are always out looking to see where their little trouble makers are now. Rita's little moorit ram has been trying to join them, and they do let him sometimes...and it's so funny to look out and see these 3 big lambs pronking around with the little one following along behind bleating...I swear he's saying "hey! wait up!!". We've been calling him Yoyo, mostly because he's always sleeping up on someones back. I looked out yesterday and he was up on Hershey-Pie's back sleeping...she stood up...he balanced as well as he could then jumped down.
All in all it was a pretty good year. Yes, we could have used a few more ewes, but there is always next year, and truthfully I'm really happy with the two ewes I did get, and the two fantastic rams...I'll find them a good home as herd sires, or I'll keep them and use them myself. Yeah, because I NEED more rams :P
OMG, they are SO freakin' cute! I really want some...but I don't wanna have to check vulvas. ;P
You guys also process lamb to eat, right? Are the rams from last year too tough?
We do eat lamb...although it's not my favorite. Last years rams might make good mutton...I'd certainly like their least spot's. we'll see.
Have you read anything about some Rams producing more ram lambs than ewes?
I guess you will be getting more sleep now at least.
I haven't read anything about that...we used the same rams last year and ended up with 5 ewes and 3 I don't know what happened...hopefully whatever it was is over and next year we get ewes! :)
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