Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cousin It no more...

Zephryn hasn't had his hair cut in a LONG time. Years. He's been growing it so he can donate it to Locks of Love. Let me just tell you right now...its been an adventure. His hair is really thick, and has big waves/curls. He also suffers from sensory processing disorder..a disorder that can send him into a tailspin if something feels "weird" a tag inside a shirt...or tight shoes. So growing out his hair, and having to take care of it, has been interesting, but he was determined and today when we brushed it out and measured it, the pony tail measured a full 2" over the 10" requirement. With summer coming, I figured it was a good time to cut it and get it sent in.
Look at that hair!! I wish MY hair was that pretty.

I braided it after we brushed all the knots and nests out of it. On the Locks of Love website they give you a step by step on how to do it...brush it out, make a low pony tail, measure it to make sure you have the required 10", then braid it....

And cut it a 1/2 inch above the elastic. The braid makes a nifty moustache...

That's a LOT of hair!

Here he is, freshly showered after I buzzed his head. The braid is in a plastic bag, which needs to be put into a mailer....I think I might have one kicking around somewhere....And that's it...the hardest part is growing out your hair!


Kimberly said...

Wow, he looks like a totally different kid! I have a friend from high school, who is currently going through chemo for breast cancer. She lost all of her hair and was given a wig through Locks of Love! So tell him a BIG Thank You for me!

Anonymous said...

You have a great kid there! Locks of Love always wants/needs kids' hair. Love his new haircut. :)

Gayle said...

What an amazing head of hair! Tell him he looks very handsome with it cut. Or do guys like to hear cute? Ahh, whatever word he choses he looks great!

Marinka said...

How fantastic, and what a great cause!