We left at about 11..braving the road into town... can you say "salt reduction area" :P
We do a little celebratory dance every time we make it to the bottom without crashing into the trees...of course we had to listen to the boys talk about how "this hill is just like a Calvin and Hobbes sledding hill!". So reassuring.

Which is probably why these people painted their cow barn like...a cow!

Speaking of cheese...here's the creamery...I love Cabot cheese...I would marry the vintage cheddar if it were legal....soooooo good....

After driving 5 miles up a hill..on back roads..we saw the sign..pointing us up Smith Road...how appropriate!

The roads just keep getting better and better! Ha!

Is there an END?!?!?! I was getting worried that we'd get there and never get back out! lol

Finally we came around a corner and saw this! Yay!

Down we headed, hacksaw in hand, looking for "the" tree. And there were A LOT to choose from.

I spyed this one from the path and waded through 15 feet of snow..barefoot and naked to get to it...The kids checked it all out and searched it thoroughly for squirrels hoping one was hibernating inside. My kids should be medicated. :P

Dragging the tree up the hill. Mike went into a tirade on the ride home about how the farm should be at the BOTTOM of the hill so people could drag their trees down..instead of up...pfft..the big baby..how hard could it be? The kids were running to keep up!

The boy took pity on us and brought it to our van with the tractor...what a good boy taking pity on my old decrepit husband.
And there it is...our very first freshly cut ourselves Christmas tree. Pictures of how FREAKY HUGE it is in the corner of my living room to come later... :)
My dad use to buy balled trees at the nursery and we would plant them around our property in the spring. I miss that. ~sigh~
Thats a great tradition Kimberly :)
"Freaky huge" is right: I'm looking at the photo of it on the tractor thinking "how on earth is Stace going to get that through the door of her house??" ;D
You have the scariest roads. If I lived there, I really would be hibernating until every last piece of snow has gone.
That tree is gorgeous though! Good job, Stace's dh, for cutting it down...LOL!
...the kids should be medicated...
You are too funny.
This is great! It's a beautiful tree...I posted a link at www.facebook.com/cabot Thanks from the farmers who own Cabot for using (and loving) our cheese!
Happy Holidays!
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