Yes, I got a new toilet seat for Christmas. I'm not even sure where to go with that statement...or if I possibly COULD go anywhere useful with it..but there it is...the glaring truth...a toilet seat. Yes, I needed a new one, the old one had a metal attachment screw that proceeded to corrode and break, so it's not like it was a wasted gift, in fact I just took a hot bath and sat and admired it from across the room...its kind of attractive...sparkly white and new looking...but I'm having people over tomorrow and I know they're going to ask "So, what did you get for Christmas?" to which I'll have to reply, "you just sat on it".
WHO gave me this exceedingly practical gift? Guess. No, really, I bet you 'll get it first try. :-P Keep reading, I'll throw in the answer at the bottom on this post..
My absolute FAVORITE gift was something that was kind of an afterthought on my Mother's part..well..not really an "afterthought" but she came across an old picture of my Grandparents taken way back in 1942 and she scanned it and blew it up and framed it for me. I cried when I unwrapped it I was so touched. Crying over gifts is something I hardly ever do, and now its sitting on one of my shelves on chimney and every time I look at it I get a little teary.
It was a fun Christmas all the way around, I really had a good time with family this year, everyone was happy and appreciative and it was really a very stress free (well..close anyway) holiday season.
My husband got me the toilet seat, btw. Along with a toaster oven and a lamp for the living room. Ever practical that man :-P lol. He DID get me flannel pjs, the Band of Brothers box set of Dvd's and he bought me a 3ft tall stocking and FILLED it with various things like warm socks and candy so it wasn't ALL bad...but when I unwrapped the toilet seat the first thing out of my mouth was "You do realize I'm going to blog about this, don't you?" LOL ;-P
I hope you all had a great time with your families :-)
That's the funniest thing I have ever heard!!!!!!!
A toilet seat!!! ROFL
Did you at least request a heated seat?
You need one of those!
Some years, we just HAVE to be practical. Although... I did tell my husband that if he ever bought me an appliance, papers were going to be filed.
You are cute!
Well, isn't that a unique man you've got! I bet you never guessed that one when shaking the box! :) Merry Christmas lady!
I don't know whether to *giggle* or *snort*! That's too funny. And Kimberly's right - you DO need a heated toilet seat! In fact, when I mentioned to hubby that I wanted to (eventually) remodel our bathroom, a heated seat was the only thing on his wish list. And we're not nearly as cold as you!
So you're a BofB fan, too? I can't tell you how many times we've seen it - we all love it.
If my husband and I do gifts for each other it's usually some thing practical too. One year we bought glass black windows for the basement. Not so sure about a toilet seat, that is funny .
A 3ft tall stocking sounds fun!
Happy Holidays.
That is hilarious. I guess in the tough economy you always need to put practicality first.
I can only imagine your face when that you unwrapped that one!
Kimberly & FM- No..it's not heated..just a regular white seat. Heated would have been nice..really nice :-P
Joanna- The courthouse hasn't reopened yet...we'll see :-P lol
Gayle- Yea..real unique. Merry Christmas right back atcha :-P
Jenn- I don't mind practicality..but...a TOILET SEAT? and yes, the stocking was ok.
Topher- No..you don't want to imagine that...I'm sure the grin I was trying to keep on my face came off more like psycho bitch and less like amusement..which is what I was trying for...but it. was. a. TOILET SEAT. LOL Can you blame me??
A toilet seat is practical and funny! Sounds like he redeemed himself wiht the stocking. That's a great idea!
I got a grandparent givt too that was an after thought from my mother. She didn't even wrap it. She gave me one of my grandma's rings and everytime I look at it I'm reminded of her and I get weepy! I can't get the thought of her staring down at it on her own finger. These are the types of gifts I really appreciate.
Have a Happy New Year!!
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