I thought that by not having TV the "stuff" that my kids was exposed to would be limited to movies we have and the occasional TV show from hulu. I completely forgot about YouTube. I also failed to take into account the things my tween boys would look up. Last night was spent with them surfing YouTube with the Wii (?!?!! who knew!?!), and I have to admit, some of it was pretty amusing...but it left me with an uneasy feeling...WHY were my kids looking up things like "is it a good idea to microwave *insert something here*"...and should I leave them home alone...E V E R? And who knew that microwaving an air bag (unused, still in the container) would result in the devastation that we witnessed on youtube...really...look it up...its scary. I just hope that if they decide to take my microwave for a test drive they do it outside..and not in my kitchen.
Of course all of this "science" stuff has gotten the Z-man super excited about doing experiments. He even cleaned out his closet so that it could be the "experiment room". I have no idea what that means...and I don't think I'm going to ask either. This morning he pulled out the 101 science experiments book and started leafing through it...trying to find ANY experiment that involved a microwave. I stepped in.
So, today my son's learned about density.
The experiment involved corn syrup, oil and water...no microwave.

Easy peasy and they were both predicting what would float in which layer...pretty cool. Of course at the end of the experiment they both wanted to see what would happen if they stuck the measuring cup in the microwave.....ugh..boys....
OMG...blowing things up and boys go so hand and hand. That and jumping off of really high things. My boys scare me sometimes. I really try not to pay too much attention. Good luck with the microwave. (We're on our second due to cooking at hotdog until it caught fire).
That floating expt is very cool! I love it when expts work out (except when the object is to blow things up in a microwave). You should try borrowing/renting Mythbusters...then again, maybe not. LOL!
Very cool.
My son loves science stuff.
I have a friend who bought a microwave at a garage sale for $10 specifically to use it for science experiments (and thus, saving the oen in the kitchen ;)
I will say that if you cut a green grape in half (still slightly attached), and lay it with both sides up in the microwave, it will create a small arc of electricity between the two halves.
And try microwaving a bar of soap. It's like microwaving a marshmallow on CRACK!
My boys were microwaving clay today...
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